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Index to Drug-Specific Information

Note: This Index does not include all FDA approved drugs. It includes only those with Healthcare Professional, Patient, and Consumer Information Sheets, Medication Guides, and Information Pages. Please use Drugs@FDA to search for information on a drug not found in the Index.
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Is Tramadol a blood thinner?

Tramadol is used to relieve moderate to moderately severe pain. Tramadol extended-release tablets are only used by people who are expected to need medication to relieve pain around-the-clock for a long time. Tramadol is in a class of medications called opiate agonists. It works by changing the way the body senses pain.

How should this medicine be used?

Tramadol comes as a tablet and an extended-release (long-acting) tablet to take by mouth. The regular tablet is usually taken with or without food every 4-6 hours as needed.

The extended-release tablet should be taken once a day. Take the extended-release tablet at about the same time of day every day, and either always take it with food or always take it without food. Take tramadol exactly as directed. Do not take more medication as a single dose or take more doses per day than prescribed by your doctor. Taking more tramadol than prescribed by your doctor may cause serious side effects or death. Your doctor may start you on a low dose of tramadol and gradually increase the amount of medication you take, not more often than every 3 days if you are taking the regular tablets or every 5 days if you are taking the extended-release tablets. Swallow the extended-release tablets whole; do not split, chew, or crush them. Do not snort (inhale powder from crushed tablet) or inject the dissolved extended-release tablets. Taking this medication in a way that is not recommended may cause serious side effects or death.


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Patients Prescribed Tramadol Less Likely To Develop Dependency

Author: Michael Connelly

Most people live their lives taking their health for granted, as long as they are feeling no pain. But if they happen to suffer a physical injury, the first thing on their mind is finding a way to reduce the pain. Tramadol is one of the most widely used pain relief medicines available to patients who are in need of treatment for moderate to severe pain. It is an analgesic, or pain killer that works on the brain and nervous systems in somewhat mysterious ways. While it is classified as an opioid, it is very much unlike any other pain relief medicine in this classification such as morhine and codeine. It is not considered to be a controlled substance in the United States, which means that it can be obtained with a standard prescription from any medical doctor. Patients can even buy Tramadol at an online pharmacy via one of the many US licensed pharmacies on the Internet.
A German pharmaceutical company named Grunenthal GmbH invented Tramadol in their laboratory near the end of the 1970s. At that time they gave it the name Tramal. Since then they have sold the rights to a wide variety of companies around the world who have come up with a lot of different names. A company in Argentina markets it as Calmador. In Sweden a company sells it as Tradolan. In Isreal it is sold as Tramadex, and in South Korea this particular medicine can be purchased as Tandol. Ultram and Ultracet are other names for this prescription drug in the United States. Today there are over 55 different brand names for Tramadol worldwide.

There is releatively little negative health related press attached to Tramadol as a prescription medicine, mostly because it is not abused recreationally as much as some other opioids. The reported negative side effects of Tramadoll abuse are nausea, abnormal sweating, vomiting, constipation and seizures. These side effects can create a very unpleasant experience if this drug is abused, which puts it low on the lists of prescription drugs for experimental drug users.

Tramadol is available by a prescription from US licensed physicians and legal to be purchased online at US licensed pharmacies or at any pharmacy. This is due to the fact that this synthetic agent is less likely to cause a dependency if used for an extended period of time. This is an important factor when doctors consider the long term health of their patients who take a prescribed medicine for pain.

Unlike other prescription drugs in its class, Tramadol has a relatively mild effect on the mu opioid receptor. This is a nerve receptor that is located in the periaqueductal grey area of the brain, otherwise known as the midbrain grey matter area. It is responsible for what is called the Gate Control Theory of pain relief. Opioids such as morphine and vicodin bind very easily to it and inhibit the pathway of the neurons that are being sent to the brain to register pain. The Gate Control Theory is the basis of most modern analgesics and it has revolutionized the way pain can be managed.

This affinity to the mu opioid receptor can also be responsible for the creation of a dependency to the opioid drug that is being used. However, Tramadol has a weaker affinity to this receptor than the other opioids in its class, which means that addiction is less likely to occur. Thus, the health of the patient is compromised less by taking this particular medicine to reduce their pain.

Tramadol can be taken in many different forms including orally in a pill or tablet form, rectally with suppositories, injected and with an IV in hospitals. The dosages range from 50 to 400 milligrams per day, which is determined by the attending physician.

While it is true that the mild agonism of the mu opioid receptor is partially responsible for the effectiveness of Tramadol in treating pain, doctors and scientists are not quite sure about the other details of why Tramadol works. They know that it is something to do with the effect it has on the noradrenergic and serotonergic systems in the human body.

The serotonergic system involves the neurotransmitter known as serotonin which is responsible for many different functions in the human body. Among its many duties serotonin is in charge of the regulation of various moods such as anger, as well as the regulation of sleeping patterns and appetite. It is created in the intestines by the amino acid tryptophan.

The noradrenergic system is responsible for such things as the fight or flight response we get when we are placed in a very stressful and dangerous situation. When a situation like this happens, norepinephrine which is also know as noradrenaline is sent to the part of the brain that controls attention and response processing. This hormone and neurotransmitter comes from a gland located in a part of the brain stem called the locus ceruleous. A neurotransmitter system is activated that sends neurons instantly along the spinal cord and distributes them to all parts of the body through millions of nerve pathways.

When norepinephrine is triggered the subjects heart rate increases, glucose is released into the bloodstream from stored up energy and all the muscles of the skeletin experience an increase in blood flow. The subject also experiences increased alertness and arousal. Studies have shown that the effect Tramadol has on the noradrenergic system may also have something to do with the decreased risk of developing a dependency, although the reason why is still not known.

Treating and controlling pain has come a long way in the past 100 years. The discovery of opioid based prescription drugs like morhine, codeine and vicodin have revolutionized pain treatment and brought relief to millions around the world who suffer from moderate to severe pain. However, there has been a negative health side effect from this benefit and it is the creation of dependencies on these drugs for millions of patients who took their prescribed pain medicine for extended periods of time.

Tramadol is a synthetic opioid medicine and it may be in the same class as the natural opiate based prescription drugs morphine and vicodin, but it has two very big differences from these two medicines. For one, it is not considered to be a controlled substance in the United States. This means that US licensed physicians can prescribe this analgesic to patients who can buy it at any pharmacy or online pharmacy that happens to be one of the many US licensed pharmacies on the Internet.

But the biggest thing that makes Tramadol different than other prescription drug opioids is that it can alleviate pain with a much lower chance of causing an addiction to the drug. This is very important when you consider the long term health of people who take pain medicine for extended periods of time.
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Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts longer than 3 months. Chronic pain is different than acute pain in that it is not easy to find the cause.

By The EFIC (European Federation of IASP Chapters) statistics 50% of older peoples living in community and more then 80% living at home suffer from chronic pain. It is estimated that every second older citizen (over 65 years) in Europe.

Typical Chronic Pain Conditions
· Osteoarthritis
· Rheumatoid arthritis
· Low back, shoulder and neck pain
· Headache, including migraine
· Cancer pain
· Myofascial pain syndromes
· Post-thoracotomy pain
· Chronic regional pain syndromes
· Stump and phantom limb pain · Neuropathic pain
· Herpes zoster (shingles) and post-herpetic neuralgia
· Trigeminal neuralgia
· Diabetic neuropathy
· Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ)
· Postmastectomy pain
· Angina pectoris
· Chronic visceral pain syndromes


Treatment for chronic pain depends on the cause and on the individual needs of the patient. Complete pain relief is not always possible; it is important for patients and physicians to work together to find the best treatment plan.

- Medications
- Aacupuncture
- Local electrical stimulation
- Brain stimulation

As you consider treatment options for your chronic pain, it's important that you learn as much as possible about your condition and how the treatments can affect it.

For Your Chronic Pain, Tramadol Can Provide Relief

One of the things that you should know about your chronic pain is that it is often very hard for you to find relief. There are so many things that you are going to have to learn to deal with while you are dealing with chronic pain, and sometimes life just simply can't stop because you don't feel well. Chronic pan can be something that has the potential to ruin your whole life, so for your chronic pain, Tramadol can cause you a lot of relief.

What Is It

When it comes to chronic pain, Tramadol is going to be a very strong pain killer that you can take on a regular basis to help you manage your pain. The thing about chronic pain, Tramadol , and other pain killers is that many times people who are dealing with chronic pain end up with drug addictions because they find themselves taking way more medication than they are supposed to. Tramadol can help you with your Chronic Pain more than you would ever be able to imagine.

This means that your pain might cause you even more pain. However, with chronic pain, Tramadol has a very low dosage, which means that it is going to be safe for you to take every day, and you wont' have to worry about getting into a situation where you might become addicted. That means for your chronic pain, Tramadol is going to be one of the best things that you can do for yourself. Talk to your doctor about your chronic pain, Tramadol , and other solutions.

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Neck Pain: Tips on Pain Relief and Prevention


Neck pain is the sensation of discomfort in the neck area. Neck pain can result from disorders of any of the structures in the neck, including the cervical vertebrae.

What causes neck pain?

Many things can trigger neck pain. These include:

- Trauma or injury (damage to the muscles, tendons, and/or ligaments)
- Herniated cervical disk
- Worry and stress
- Tumors
- Falling and sleep in an awkward position
- Prolonged use of a computer keyboard
You feel as though your head is much heavier than it ever has been before

What can you do yourself?

- Stay as active as possible. Try to go to work and keep up your normal everyday activities - bed rest is not necessary. If you are given a neck-collar, try not to use this for more than one or two days.

- Remember that neck pain is rarely caused by a serious illness and will often disappear within a week.

- If you have had pains in the neck for a longer period, it is a good idea to consult your doctor or a physical therapist such as a chiropractor or physiotherapist.

- Sit in a neutral position looking straight ahead.

- Slowly tilt your head one inch to the right, and to the left

- Stretch your neck downward, moving your chin toward your chest. Hold for 10 seconds.

- In order to go about neck pain relief you should apply heat,ice to the sore area for 10-15 minutes every few hours. This will decrease inflammation and cramping.

- Massage the area gently.

- Take anti-inflammatory medications.

Tips for preventing neck pain :

- Take frequent breaks for a few seconds every hour from what you are doing to change position. Stretch and move stiff areas of your neck and shoulders.

- Keep heavy loads and things you lift close to you while lifting them.

- Lift with your legs instead of your back.

- Avoid reaching overhead with your arms and too far from your body.

- Avoid moving your neck up or down a lot.

Are you sitting comfortably?

1. Eyes should be level with the top of your computer screen or document holder, so that you are looking down slightly. Always look at your desk square-on.
2. Arms should be relaxed, with no tension in the wrists. The secret here is to chill. Don’t grip that mouse too tightly, and don’t stretch to reach it.
3. Sitting at your desk, your spine should be in a slight S-shaped curve. Adjust your chair so that the backrest fits into the lower, or small, of the back.
4. Avoid crossing your legs. Your knees should be in line with your pelvis, or slightly lower, and your lower legs at a right angle to your thighs.
5. Feet should be flat on the floor, or on a footrest.
6. Make sure that there is enough room under your desk to move your legs freely.
7. Your computer screen should be at arm’s length away; don’t stretch to reach your keyboard.

Author: Kate Whigton

Common symptoms include :

Symptoms are how the cause of your pain affects you.

Pain in your neck
Pain in your shoulder, arm, or hand
Reduced range of motion in your neck
Numbness, weakness, and slower reflexes in your arms, hands,legs, or feet
Problems walking including a "spastic gait"
Muscle weakness in your legs
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