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Index to Drug-Specific Information

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Tramadol Takes on Arthritis

By: John Scott

Arthritis, at its core is simply an inflammation of the joints. However, there are a lot of diseases associated with arthritis; such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. They range from mildly painful to intensely painful. For some of the mild cases simply taking a few aspirin gives enough comfort. But more intense cases require stronger medication. That's where Tramadol stands out in the crowd.

Everyone has, at some time in their life, had a doctor ask them to rate their pain on a scale of 1 to 10. Pain is such an individual experience that it's difficult for an outsider, who is not experiencing it, to really understand how bad it is. Not only does it vary in intensity, it can have a wide range of sensations as well. One person might have sharp pains while another could be having a dull ache. Worse, are the cases of the intense, persistent, throbbing pain. That's the kind of pain that Tramadol attacks.

It's important for sufferers to be able to accurately describe their pain. The more accurate they can be, the better. There is often more than one doctor involved in a patient's care. A family practitioner may refer the patient to a specialists. The specialist may ask a collegue's opinion. There are any number of reasons to be sure your description of the pain you're feeling is accurate.

The treatment of arthritis is not as simple as taking one form of treatment and following that one form. Several factors play into arthritis and several factors need to be addressed when treating it.

Diet is one of those factors. Weight loss can have a healing effect on arthritic conditions. It reduces stress on the joints and takes some of that wearing pressure off. However, diet can have more of an impact if the arthritis sufferer goes beyond just trying to lose weight. Eating a lot of marine oils from cold-water fish have proven to reduce inflammation in many joint conditions. Diets high in fish such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna can have a big impact on arthritis.

Exercise is another important factor in treating arthritis. Unlike joint injuries which need to be immobilized, joint diseases get a lot of benefit from keeping mobile, active, and limber. There are numerous activities that are great for people suffering from arthritis. Among them are stretching, walking, and swimming. In addition, physical therapists will introduce patients to a variety of range-of-motion exercises. All this exercise keeps the joints active and protects against them freezing up.

The third treatment is to control the pain. Losing mobility in your joints due to arthritis can be very frustrating, but the pain that accompanies it can be downright agonizing. Sometimes a simple anti-inflammatory will do the trick, but for bigger arthritis pain you need something powerful. That's why many doctors turn to Tramadol to help their patients cope with the intense pain associated with arthritis.

While there is no cure for arthritis, the combination of these factors allows people with arthritis to live a relatively normal life, taking part in activities they've enjoyed all their lives.


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