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Popular Pain Medications In The 21st Century

Author: Hal Lewis

Pain has been an unavoidable part of human existence since time immemorial. Today, with fast lifestyles, ignorance of health and nutrition issues, and indiscriminate use of medicines and other "quick fixes", we have ended up being exposed to pain of different types. Internal pain, injuries, throbbing pain, burning pain, aching pain, and even stinging pain. Sometimes even pain subsequent to inadequate healing, post-surgery.

Pain has been often described as a very unpleasant experience from some kind of tissue damage experienced by our bodies. This could be actual tissue damage, or some kind of slowly developing, potential tissue damage. Living with a sensation of pain, irrespective of the severity, then becomes a lifestyle issue as it interferes with our sense of peace and well being, and the trauma of the pain, besides generating emotional stress, keeps us from carrying on with our day-to-day activities. Think of the number of times you had a headache or muscle ache, and you continued to work nevertheless, always wishing you were resting back home; or, having to refuse some special activities related to your work, as you did not feel up to it. You would then wish for something that could banish this pain at least for a decent length of time.

There are various categories of pain medications such as NSAID's (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs), opiates (drugs based on the properties of opium alkaloids, that depress the central nervous system, to alleviate pain), and some which are a combination of the two. Aspirin, Ibuprofen etc are an example of the NSAID's while Vicodin, Demerol, Oxycontin, Morphine etc are examples of the latter.

While most NSAID's are available across the counter as OTC drugs, a prescription is required for the opiate drugs.

While NSAID's have side effects like abdominal bleeding, the opiates have the disadvantage that one is back to square one once the effect wears off, and one tends to demand these more and more often as pain increases. These could be habit forming. Denial of these drugs often leads to withdrawal symptoms, which are another problem altogether.

What one then looks for is something that will be a combination of the two, something that will be calming to our stomachs and not as volatile as the opiates.

Tramadol is such a drug of choice.

While not classified as a narcotic, Tramadol is nevertheless habit forming, because of its pain relieving properties. It is often advised for reducing pain, post surgery, so that the patient can get rest. The effects of Tramadol are similar to the effects of a narcotic. Because Tramadol avoids the abdominal bleeding problems associated with NSAID's and yet, is not classified as a narcotic, doctors have been pleased to prescribe it to patients with great results.

Since it is an opiate-based medication, what actually happens is that Tramadol also has an anti depressive effect. Consequently, patients not only feel relieved of pain, they feel happier, and there is a sense of well-being.

At such times, one must also remember that this means that if this medication is to be stopped, it should be done gradually, or the patient will essentially get withdrawal symptoms. There are also some side effects of Tramadol that one should be aware of.

You may feel dizzy, lightheaded, and nauseous. Occasionally, you may feel like vomiting. Tramadol tends to make you drowsy, and so you need to ensure that you do not drive or cycle, or operate machinery, till you are sure how the medicine is affecting you.

Tramadol may also interfere, if you are taking medications for things like hay fever, allergies, sedatives, seizures, muscle relaxants, tranquilizers etc, as all these medications, including Tramadol, work through what is called our Central Nervous system. So you need to inform your doctor about any medication that you may be already taking.

You can order Tramadol through the Online Drug Source, after studying the various offers at the various online pharmacies. Again, a prescription is required for this medication, and if you do not have one from your doctor, you may access the medical consultation section of this website.

Tramadol, if used wisely, and within correct dosage limits, can afford excellent pain relief for all kinds of chronic and acute pain. So long it is borne in mind that the stoppage cannot be sudden, and one should not develop a dependency on it.

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